Therefore, when referring to the Yin and Yang theory the Chinese sages were actually talking about the three Yin and Yang describing the channel system, the divisions of the body, the progression of any disease from the outside to the inside. Which is why there are three Yin and three Yang” “Yin Qi and Yang Qi may be plenty or scanty, But around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age. In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51.

As a deep and authentic healing system, Chinese medicine understands and applies Yin and Yang to help harmonize your body, mind, emotions, and spirit, and then harmonize your individual constitution and presentation with nature. Yin-yang theorys vital role in TCM becomes apparent with. Yin and Yang are the two principles that embody a universal law, which ensures that all things remain in harmony.

They can be seen as archetypes of anything that expands/initiates (yang) and contracts/receives (yin) in our perceivable universe: two opposites which complement each other interacting continuously in the attempt to go back to an indistinguishable unity. Achieving perfect balance or healthy equilibrium is determined by the relationship between the two. Although there are several different ways of interpreting yin yang, their Chinese characters are generally described as portraying the sunny (yang) side and and the shady (yin) side of an hill.